On December 3, HHS released an important HHS Action Plan and announced a partnership to reduce maternal deaths and disparities that put women at risk prior to, during, and following pregnancy. The HHS Action Plan provides a roadmap for addressing risk factors, improving the quality of and access to maternity and postpartum care, and supporting a research agenda to fill gaps in current evidence.
The Action Plan outlines three specific targets to help the nation improve maternal mortality outcomes:
– Reduce the maternal mortality rate by 50% by 2025.
– Reduce the low-risk cesarean delivery rate by 25% by 2025.
– Achieve blood pressure control in 80% of women of reproductive age with hypertension by 2025.
The U.S. Surgeon General Jerome M. Adams issued a complementary Call to Action to Improve Maternal Health outlining the critical roles everyone can play to improve maternal health.
You can learn more about the HHS Action Plan to Improve Maternal Health, the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Improve Maternal Health, and the Public-Private Partnership to Address Disparities in Maternal Health Outcomes by watching this archived webinar.